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Knee Pain - Health, Body and Medicine - Thailand Forum
Checked knee and diagnosed Patellofemoral Arthritis. Mentioned having an X- RAY and then later an MRI, but cost made me wait and so went .

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Many saved money on affordable knee replacements, with total costs for a knee replacement as low as . We also have many patients who have saved on colonoscopies, x-rays and MRIs. . Knee Replacement, $49154, $12538, Thailand .

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Never have knee surgery based on an MRI diagnosis
They looked for knee MRI's in the medical literature that had been performed on . of knee disorders, and is not a cost effective way of evaluating knee injuries .

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Cost in Thailand. Cost in US. MRI Scan. 100 - 250 USD. 850 USD. Hip Replacement. 8000 - 12700 USD. 80000 USD. Knee Replacement. 7500 - 11500 USD .

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Efficacy of Repeat Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee ...
Nov 9, 2011 . However, the decision to repeat a knee MRI is presently an arbitrary one because no clinical guidelines exist to justify this practice. . patients presenting with a continuing knee problem is cost-effective. . J Med Assoc Thai.

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Mri shows no injury to the knee? - Yahoo! Answers
Mri shows no injury to the knee? i had a cartilage tear and stuff around last year and had it surgically put back on and two kids fell into my knee .

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