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Jan 13, 2009 . Photographs show a damaged jet engine repaired with seatbelts during a refueling stop? . at FRA (Frankfurt, Germany) for an unscheduled refueling stop. . jet engines on one of the airline's planes by using seat belts to hold .

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Bad Jet Engine
That's when the problems started: The Germans, who are kind of picky about this stuff, . (Besides the seat belts, notice the appalling condition of the fan blades.) bad. The airline operator had to send a chunk of money to get the first engine .

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Hoaxes and Urban Legends: Chinese "fix" jet engine with seatbelts
Supposedly the plane had taken off on a commercial flight in that state. . The " seat belts" appear to be safety ties attached while the damaged engine was being . and landed at FRA (Frankfurt,Germany) for an unscheduled refueling stop.

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2si 215 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The basic engine was originally designed and produced by JLO of Germany and . 215R: Gasoline aircraft engine with belt reduction drive. single carburetor, .

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Unusual accidents - Plane Crash
Neither the command nor jump seat captain had seat belts on and they accidentally feathered No. 1, 2 and 4 engines when they hit the controls with their heads. . BAC-111, Hasloh, Germany, The aircraft collided with a bridge, shearing off .

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History of the German car industry 1885 to 1945 - by Martin ...
Sep 21, 2010 . In 1939, to increase production of aircraft engines, the German aircraft . How to change an alternator belt · How to tell if you need a front end .

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