EarthTrends: Feature - Acid Rain: Downpour in Asia
Most industrialized countries have relatively effectively cut SO2 emissions to help mitigate the damage of acid rain on ecosystems. But the acid rain problem is .
Acid Rain Across the US
This image shows the pH of rainwater collected across the country in 1994. A pH value . Lower values indicate acid rain, with the lowest values being the most acidic. . Over the six year period, did the acid rain problem increase or decrease ?
Acid Rain - Library
Acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be . this global pollution issue causes great debates between countries that fight over .
CHINA: Industrialization pollutes its country side with Acid Rain
Sep 9, 2006 . With emphasis shifting in India from coal and oil to nuclear energy, this tends to further minimize the acid rain problem there. Monsoon visits .